Committee of Management

Balnarring Beach Foreshore and Parks Reserve Committee of Management Inc. (CoM) is a voluntary committee who manage the Reserve in accordance with the Coastal Management Plan. CoM members are appointed by the Minister for the Environment and Climate Change following a nomination and interview process.

Committee members

The current Committee members are:

Jan Camm (President)
Anita Gourlay (Treasurer)
Martin Pearson (Secretary)
Amanda McMillin
Steve Patton
Richard Walls

You may send an email to the Committee at .
Members of the public interested in joining the CoM should keep an eye on local press for expressions of interest to join or register their interest with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

Balnarring Beach Foreshore and Parks Reserves Coastal Management Plan

A self-sustaining Reserve in near-natural condition which meets the growing recreational and environmental needs of the community in a cost-effective manner.” 

The Balnarring Beach Foreshore and Parks Reserve Management Plan-2014 (Final) (pdf 5mb) has been developed by the Balnarring Beach Foreshore and Parks Reserve Committee of Management (CoM) Inc. in consultation with the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI). It sets out a vision for the Reserve and guides the CoM in their decision making and the staff in the day to day management of the Reserves

Survey 2024

We completed a survey of camper in November 2024. The findings will be used byt he Committee of Management to guide their policies and investment program over the next few years. Results of the survey can be found at BBF Survey (Final)

Minutes of meetings

Minutes for meetings are published following their acceptance and approval by the CoM. This usually happens at the subsequent months meeting. Minutes of meetings held in the last 12 months are available for download below. Minutes of prior years meetings are available by emailing the Foreshore office.

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